Sunday, 13 November 2011

Most Important Tips To Keep a Healthy Life

The most important tips for maintaining a healthy life are

Drink Water every day. It is the most basic thing and it is said a human being can live without eating food for 1-2 days but cannot without drinking water. So drinking 2-3 litres of water every day is an essential factor which you cannot avoid.

Sleep Well Every day. Our brains are working when we are not sleeping and it also need rest like we take rest so most importantly a person should sleep at least 4-6 hours a day and it is compulsory factor for because our brain needs rest. But there is one thing sleeping 8 hours or more in a day is not good habit and it makes us lazy.

Eat Wisely. Nowadays we can see many people who is working in office or such things which involves less movement of body is growing fat so avoid eating junk foods and eat according to your needs but not over or more than that. Try to avoid junk foods because it affects health and makes us fat easily.

This is the most important 3 tips and there are many other things you should check but most importantly try to follow at least this tips.

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1 comment:

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